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Almost daily, through television, radio and press, we get information on natural disasters, accidents and disasters. We receive these information with a wish they never should be bigger, or that they would not be any. However, events occure increasingly and cause damage to property, bodily injury and, unfortunately, and it is saddest, to human victims. Natural disasters occured, occure and always will occure, but their destructive effects are dynamically linked to the negative consequences of man-made disasters. Therefore, it is primarily necessary to understand the dangers involved in any human activity, the threats and risks that flow from them as for participating, as for the whole humanity.

People mostly appreciate risks endangering life, health and property after they become direct participants of accidents, natural disasters or disasters. The consequences of these disasters confirm that the lack of knowledge of response to emergency or underestimation of this situation in the line with panic multiply casualties and increase the number of health damage to people.

The following information can not give you detailed instructions for behaviour in case of all types of emergencies, but they call attention to their greatest potential risks and dangers. The aim of this guide is provide at least basic information about how respond to crisis situation and what to do in case of life and health threat.

055/6419 239, 055/6419 273
comk@kosice.sk, co@kosice.sk